10 Reasons Sting Is Winning Seth Rollins' WWE Title At Night Of Champions

1. WWE's Current Volatile Booking

Sting becoming WWE Champion after defeating Seth Rollins would normally seem unlikely, but WWE's current attitude to creative is very much becoming like anything can happen. There's a volatility right now, in which logic and long term creative aren't really considered. Look no further than the way Lesnar and Undertaker were booked in this last month. If WWE are open to running The Undertaker as a heel, then they're pretty much open to anything. Even just booking Sting versus Rollins, it is proof that creative don't really care about the past or future. They just want to do what is going to pop for now, which is exactly what they also did with Lesnar Taker. There's no way that Sting should even be in this equation, he's wrestled one time in the last year and a half. And it was a loss, to the man who hates him, yet the same man just booked him in a title match. All logic is out the window and creative are doing as they please, so don't be too surprised to see Sting winning his very first WWE Championship at Night Of Champions.
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