10 Reasons That Prove Vince McMahon Is No Longer A Creative Genius
2. He's 71 Years-Old
If McMahon had admittedly lost it by the time he was 50 years-old, what does that make him at 71 years-old? Certainly, not a creative genius.
Simply being 71 years-old doesn't disqualify anyone from being able to understand a contemporary television audience, but in Vince McMahon's case, it doesn't help.
This is the same guy that stopped using numbers to refer to his biggest show of the year because he thought it made the product "sound old". This began with WrestleMania 31! If 31 is too old, what exactly would that make WrestleMania 71?
With dated RAW references and...
McMahon's also notorious for wanting his talent to remain youthful looking at all costs. Whether it's Kevin Nash dying his hair brown anytime he returns to a WWE ring, Jerry Lawler looking more like a ventriloquist's dummy with each nip and tuck, or even the ridiculous dye-job of current RAW General Manager Mick Foley's hair and beard. Despite how unnatural it appears to the common audience, McMahon clearly puts a value on youth and the perception of it.
It's ironic, isn't it? That a man so focused on youth cannot see that his lack of it is currently inhibiting his product.