10 Reasons To Believe CM Punk Will Never Return To WWE

6. He Probably Wouldn't Get What He Wanted From WWE Creative

One of the more likely proposals for CM Punk's abrupt departure from the WWE was his creative direction. Apparent (valid) complaints about the immediate plans that WWE had in store for Punk didn't sit well with him, and rightly so. If things had gone as originally planned, we would've had a Wrestlemania 30 that featured Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus, Randy Orton vs Batista, and Triple H vs CM Punk. As frightfully boring as that sounds, it was actually slated to happen, and Punk's walkout the night after the Royal Rumble was the catalyst for that. He spent nearly 50 minutes in the ring that night, before being thrown out of it by an already-eliminated Kane. The idea was that Kane's corporate affiliation would be enough to justify a lengthy feud with Triple H, culminating at the show of shows in New Orleans. As we all know, that's not how it panned out. Triple H, Kane, Batista, Randy Orton, and even Sheamus all got their backsides handed to them at Wrestlemania, while CM Punk was nowhere to be seen. Frustrated that he wasn't getting that oh-so-lucrative Wrestlemania headline slot, having main-evented most other pay-per-views, sold more t-shirts than anyone on the roster (bar John Cena), and repeatedly delivered some of the best promo work ever, he walked out, declaring that he was "going home", having tweeted "The view never changes" on the night of the Rumble. Given this less-than-favourable work ethic in the eyes of his former employers (who are reportedly still mad over the incident), it's doubtful that anything would change. If Punk miraculously did return and suddenly get all of his Wrestlemania wishes granted, then that could lead to all manner of hell breaking loose in the locker room, with superstar walkouts, in-fighting, and a lot of ill feeling towards Punk and the WWE. Certainly not what's 'best for business'.
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