10 Reasons The Undertaker Rivalry Was CM Punk's Greatest Feud

2. Genuinely Polarised Crowds

The only genuine polarisation we get in WWE nowadays are the chants that accompany John Cena whenever he appears. However, CM Punk's pursuit of the Streak was a rare example of a feud that split the WWE Universe. On the one hand, CM Punk was a guy who had amassed an enormous amount of respect from the kind of young male demographic that thrived during the Attitude Era. On the other, though, is the Undertaker - a bona fide living legend. It's a testament to the power of CM Punk that he could still have the crowd on his side, even when he was disrespecting a recently deceased icon of the wrestling business. During the match itself and many of the other segments, it was common to hear a chant of "Let's go Taker... CM Punk" as the crowd split right down the middle in terms of support. Punk never got a reaction like that in any of his other rivalries. Against Undertaker, fans genuinely weren't sure who to cheer and who to boo, which created a really interesting dynamic.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.