10 Reasons Why November Always Sucked In WCW

8. World War 3's 60-Man Battle Royal

In 1994, WCW skipped on November entirely from a Pay-Per-View perspective. 1995 was different however, and November of that year gave birth to World War 3. This was WCW's big plan to blow the WWF's Royal Rumble out of the water, several months before that event took place in January. The phrase, 'less is more' didn't really come into WCW's thinking. Instead, World War 3 was headlined by a colossal battle royal match. There were 60 entrants in total, which obviously wouldn't fit into one standard wrestling ring. Seeking to remedy that problem, WCW elected to display 3 different rings. There would be 20 wrestlers in each one, who would then consolidate into a single ring when the field was whittled down to 20 remaining competitors. Much like Battlebowl, there was something original about the idea, but it was far too epic in scale. Everyone, from fans to the announcers, found it tremendously difficult to follow what was going on. This created a scenario whereby the match felt like it was killing time until it was down to 20 performers. WCW deserve credit for trying something different, but it didn't work.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.