10 Reasons Why November Always Sucked In WCW

3. David Flair vs. Kimberly Page

There's absolutely no chance that David Flair would have been given a shot as a pro wrestler had his father not been 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. Even though his dad was one of WCW's biggest stars, David failed to grasp even the most basic of wrestling fundamentals. At Mayhem 1999, he even wrestled Kimberly Page, in a match during which almost nobody looked at Flair once. Mercifully, the bout was relatively short. Clocking in at around 5 minutes, it was over before it really had the chance to stink up the joint. That said, there was no real reason to book the match in the first place, there was certainly no demand for it. It was one thing to be wasting time with matches like this on Nitro and Thunder, but to do it on Pay-Per-View was shocking. As aforementioned, this is one of the matches which could have easily been cut from Mayhem '99. Sid Vicious vs. Goldberg and Vampiro vs. Berlyn were bad enough, but Flair vs. Page ended up taking things to a whole new level. It was this kind of booking that turned fans away from World Championship Wrestling, because virtually nobody was interested in seeing these people wrestle one another.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.