10 Reasons Why The Miz Is A Future WWE Hall Of Famer

1. He's A Company Man, Through And Through

WWE Hall Of Fame The Miz 2

Much has been said in this article about the qualities The Miz possesses that lead us to believe he will be inducted in the WWE Hall Of Fame one day. But we've saved our ultimate reason for last: The Miz is a WWE man, through and through. He is a dyed-in-the-wool company man, as much a product of and walking advertisement for WWE as John Cena is.

He's spent 95% of his wrestling career under the WWE umbrella in some shape or form and has been richly rewarded for his hard work and determination. He has done and likely will do anything WWE asks of him.

If they need him to take a few months off the road to film a role in a direct-to-DVD movie? Miz will do it. If they need someone to try to help get a jokey gimmick over with the fans and wear a borderline ridiculous Princess Leia-style get-up? He'll do it. If they need him to carry a certain belt for a certain length of time, anywhere on the card, Miz will do it. And he'll certainly be ready if they ever decide to push him towards the main event scene again.

Hell, they even dressed him in a chicken suit recently for a KFC advertisement series that made him look stupid as all hell. But he did it.

My point isn't whether doing all these things is necessarily a good thing, especially not when it comes to respect in the eyes of the fans and others in the business. Perhaps Miz should have said no to a few things over the years, but that just doesn't seem to be in his DNA.

He will do whatever WWE ask of him, whether it benefits his status or not, because he is all about WWE, all the time.

And that is most definitely a quality that WWE will one day reward with a Hall Of Fame ring.


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