There's no getting away from it, wrestling has fallen from once perceived 'cool' position it held briefly in the late nineties. The Attitude Era was indicative of the success. Shock television was at the forefront of seemingly everything great in the world of entertainment. We now live in very politically correct times and the reputation the wrestling business has garnered over the years means that it's behind the eight ball, so to speak, when it comes to vying for position in the world of entertainment. Not for the want of trying to recover it must be said, as the PG-centric product of today - and all the good work the company does - tries to build bridges that were shattered in years gone by. You also have to believe that the level of snobbery shown to wrestling fans by wider society has finally caught up with the business. Not only that but the times they are a changin'. Always. Wrestling was pop culture in the late 90s - and mid 80s for that matter - and to put it bluntly that simply isn't he case in 2015. There isn't much WWE can do about this apart from putting the best product they possibly can on television and hope that their popularity rises to the levels it once had.