10 Reasons Why WWE Must Turn John Cena Heel Immediately

7. The Authority Can Go Away

Seth Rollins, John Cena, and everyone who's been a major part of Raw as of late has gotten a lot of flack for the failing ratings, but fan disinterest may also be due to the fact that the top storyline in the company has been going on for more than two years. When Triple H robbed Daniel Bryan of the WWE Championship and formed The Authority it seemed like a novel idea, but in all honesty, the group probably should have disbanded following Bryan's victories at WrestleMania XXX. Now it's late 2015 and Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are still taking up time on Raw playing bad-guy bosses. If Cena were to turn heel, The Authority storyline would have to come to an end - if it didn't, there'd be two dominant heel forces on the show and Cena's run would be robbed of impact. While the company would essentially be trading one ubiquitous heel for another, Cena's character and role would still provide a respite from what we've seen on TV since 2013. As for how to get rid of The Authority? Cena's heel turn can lead to him running roughshod over Raw and forcing HHH into defending his territory as a babyface. Cena would defeat Triple H (possibly at WrestleMania), booting him and Stephanie off TV for a while.
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013