10 Reasons WrestleMania 32 Was A Huge Disappointment

7. Where Were The Big Returns?

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Throughout the entire week leading up to Mania there were rumours abound that one or more former WWE stars would be making their long-awaited returns to the company. 

The stories primarily featured either Bill Goldberg or Kurt Angle, and different variations had one or both of them interfering in the Hell in a Cell match between The Undertaker and Shane McMahon.

As we now know, neither man made an appearance, and with the exception of “Diamond” Dallas Page and Tatanka, there were no stars from the past on the card at all rather than the same legends WWE always trots out for their big events. 

I know it’s not fair to be disappointed about the lack of appearances that were never actually promised, but when you compare this year to last, with the hokey-yet-awesome Monday Night Wars come to life segment in the Triple H/Sting match or the Hogan Austin/Rock opener from 'Mania XXX, it’s impossible not to feel letdown.

When The League of Nations were giving their spiel in the ring following their win over New Day, I can’t be the only person who was 100% convinced that “Medal” was about to hit and Kurt Angle was going to storm the ring and stand tall as the Olympic hero defending the honour of WWE against the dastardly League.

It was a spot tailor-made for Kurt’s return and yet…nothing. At least not anything we haven’t seen dozens of times already.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.