10 Reasons WrestleMania 32 Will Be Forgotten

8. Sasha Banks Didn't Win The Gold

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The women's title match was fine. With the exception of a few sloppy spots, it was arguably the best match of the entire night.

But that doesn't mean it will live on in the memory, especially with Charlotte retaining her title. The finish was very flat, as most fans had built up the belief that Sasha Banks would be winning.

Banks is one of the best wrestlers on the roster, and could have had a real legacy moment by becoming the new Women's Champion. Instead, Charlotte simply swapped her Divas Title for the Women's Title. It just didn't feel as big.

Which isn't to knock Charlotte, she performed very well at Mania, you can't begrudge her victory, and long heel championship reigns mean bigger things ahead. But for Mania 32, the booking means that the match won't go down in history in the way it perhaps could have done with a Banks victory.

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