10 Reasons WrestleMania 32 Will Be Forgotten

7. Shane McMahon Is Gone

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The visual of Shane McMahon diving off the Hell In A Cell was an awesome spot. Insane, but awesome. 

However, the match sucked, and it isn't like the spot is worth much to WWE going forward. 

Shane McMahon is gone now, it isn't like Mankind in 1998 where replaying the spot made the guy. There's nothing to be gained from bringing it up again and again, it was a one time pop, largely needed to cover for Shane's in ring limitations.

Mania 32 will also be forgotten based on the fact Shane won't now be rescuing WWE from Mr McMahon's control. He's gone, he was only ever in there as desperation cover for the injured John Cena.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.