10 Reasons WWE Booked Triple H Vs Dean Ambrose At Roadblock

2. WWE Network Numbers

One of the very biggest motivators in making a match as big as Dean Ambrose versus Triple H for the WWE Title has to be the WWE Network numbers. With no pay-per-view in the month of March, there wasn't much reason for fans to subscribe. Ambrose versus Triple H at Roadblock changes all of that. You do have to wonder what the actual numbers are like right now, and if this booking, as well as the #FreeWrestleMania push, is indicative of serious problems. Perhaps it was the case that numbers were worryingly low and WWE felt forced to offer a major main event like Ambrose versus Hunter at Roadblock. A push for Ambrose is certainly what many fans have been clamouring for and, with a view to bumping up those Network numbers, maybe WWE have pulled this populist move out of desperation.
WWE Writer

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