10 Reasons WWE Booked Triple H Vs Dean Ambrose At Roadblock

3. The Royal Rumble Exchanges

Triple H and Dean Ambrose were one of the highlights of the WWE World Heavyweight Title Royal Rumble match. Their exchanges created some big reactions and it really got over. The bout at Roadblock is simply capitalising on that. WWE know chemistry when they see it and they not reactions when they hear them, so they've acted on it and booked the match. The two men will now be able to add to the drama they created in January. Stylistically, WWE know they'll produce something special. Ambrose is such a good worker and Triple H is as experienced as they come, a total ring general. Their bout is guaranteed to be quality, and it is on that basis WWE should always be booking their big attractions. The Rumble proved something was there with these two performers, and now they'll get the platform to demonstrate it.
WWE Writer

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