10 Reasons WWE Has Ruined Roman Reigns

4. Booking Him As Austin Mark II

The worst idea ever? Who in their right mind thought Reigns' could do a job that would come anywhere remotely close to what Austin did during the Attitude Era? First of all it's never good to do the same wrestling angle twice as you'll always get found out, while it's clear to anyone with a set of working eyes and ears that Roman is nowhere near fitting of a character to fight someone on Vince McMahon's level. Those promos were a mismatch. This all comes back to the character development of The Big Dog and the lack of it since he left The Shield. Reigns needs some serious surgery from top to bottom, and it needs to happen soon.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.