10 Reasons WWE Needs To Shoot A Quick Face Turn On Bray Wyatt

9. The Face Side Of The Roster Is Razor-Thin

With Daniel Bryan already on the sideline and the addition of Roman Reigns to the injured list, plus the staleness of John Cena (not that that€™s a new issue), that pretty much leaves Dean Ambrose and€Dean Ambrose as fresh faces who could conceivably carry a show. WWE is in dire need of faces. The counterpoint to that is that WWE is in dire need of heels. Basically, WWE is in dire need. Turning Bray Wyatt solves that problem. He has the credibility to be a main event player for them, and would give the company some original matchups that we haven€™t seen a dozen times in the last several months. In this era where WWE has what seems like 300 hours of television time to fill each week, they€™re running matchups into the ground. If you want to keep us interested, give us things we haven€™t seen before. Wyatt vs. Orton, Rollins, Rusev, Lesnar, etc. are all showdowns that we€™ve yet to have spoiled by saturation, and some of those are incredibly enticing.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.