10 Reasons WWE Royal Rumble 1992 Is Still The Best

2. Mean Gene's Medical Advice

Ric Flair Royal Rumble 1992

In the early nineties WWF kayfabe was just about hanging on. The watershed moments of the later part of the decade when both major companies were essentially forced to admit that this was really an act and every on screen personality was keeping up a character hadn't come to pass yet. It wasn't often that fans were given any insight into what happened behind the camera during shows. In his role as backstage interviewer Mean Gene Okerlund was often there to provide some level of sanity and morality to the outlandish goings on around him. 

It's an odd moment then when in the final few moments of the show, during Ric Flair's triumphant promo as the winner of the match, Okerlund suddenly looks off camera and tells some unseen person to put their cigarette out. It's an entirely random moment of reality that comes out of the blue.

Mean Gene was often asked about who exactly he was yelling at and why he felt the need to tell them to pack it in but he often said he couldn't actually remember the identity of the phantom chain smoker. To this day it's one of wrestling's mysteries. 

Even with that considered it's still sound medical advice. Don't smoke people, it's really bad for you.


From the South West of Scotland, talker/writer of all things wrestling, video games and Warhammer 40k. Once had dinner with Rod Hull and Emu.