10 Reasons WWE Should Bring Back The Hardcore Title In 2016

1. It'd Create More (Unpredictable) Gimmick Matches

And no, we're not talking about the Kennel From Hell, FFS. A common complaint with the modern WWE product is that the impact of big gimmick matches (Hell In A Cell, TLC, etc) has dampened somewhat because, thanks to those Pay Per Views of the same name, we can now pretty much always see them coming (who still does the Hell In A Cell build-up drinking game? Shot for every time someone says "take you to hell", right? Anyone? Guys?!) Bringing back the Hardcore Title would enable creative to start bringing in some big, impactful gimmick matches to blow off title feuds within the division - especially given that we'd be getting more hardcore matches on the regular anyway, and so the PPV bouts would need something a little special to make them stand out. We're not asking for ludicrous, spot-filled and dangerous matches, here, just stuff a little more outside of the box that will get people thinking. You know this makes sense! So what do you all think? Should WWE bring back the Hardcore Title or is it something best left to the vaults of Attitude Era history? Let us know below!

Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!