6. Roman Reigns Should Turn Instead
Roman Reigns is John Cena mark II. No matter how WWE push him to the top of the card this perspective has already been ingrained in the minds of a certain section of the company's Universe. This means that he, like Cena before him, has been blackballed by a vocal majority and will be booed wherever he goes. You only had to hear the true reaction on last week's RAW when he turned down Triple H's offer of joining The Authority. Boos echoed throughout the arena for a split second before WWE covered them up with cheers. Roman, and his 'big easy' persona - his natural self, as evident by so many of his interviews outside of a WWE ring - would go down well with a lot more fans in a heel role compared to the sufferin' succotash babyface schtick the company have had him try to convey since the dissolving of The Shield. WWE should be looking to throw a curve ball and turn Reigns heel instead. It would make for a much more compelling storyline and opens up so many more avenues. It's been fair to say that we've been robbed of the Seth Rollins/Reigns feud for the time being due to the Architect's injury. Imagine what will happened when a face Rollins (there's no chance of that NOT happening) going after his title and a heel Roman. The mind boggles...
Ross Tweddell
Content Producer
Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.
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