10 Reasons WWE Will Bring WrestleMania To The UK Soon

6. The Timezones

Wrestlemania Uk

The Elephant in the room whenever a UK WrestleMania is suggested. Everyone knows UK fans endure 1am start times for weekly programming and PPVs. The argument is USA fans cannot be expected to do likewise even for a one off event. The good news is they wouldn't have to, and even if they did, they might enjoy it!

Despite the obvious draw backs, watching a live WWE event late at night in the UK can be a wonderful experience. A day of excitement and build up followed by a wrestling house party is great fun, as is attending a social club or bar that stays open specifically for the show. WWE is not just for the adults though and having a Wrestlemania sleepover as a kid was something to look forward to with your mates every year.

The good news for US fans who enjoy shut eye on a Sunday night is WrestleMania would still be shown in the day. If the show began at 7pm UK time, it would be broadcast at 2pm Eastern and 11am Pacific. These are perfectly acceptable times for events that many other's occupy on a regular basis. The norm is of course for Sunday evening Wrestling, but a break from the usual status quo would add to the unique event feel. Furthermore, thanks to the WWE Network, if Sunday afternoon's prove too inconvenient for a viewer they have the ability to start from the beginning as soon as they want to catch-up. Wrestlemania is popular enough that demand to see it will transcend any timezone, let alone a one-off shift to a Sunday afternoon.


Joe Cuffaro is a Sports Journalist and x6 time Staffs University Hardcore Champion. He is a WWE and Newcastle United enthusiast, which explains why most of his views are pessimistic.