10 Reasons WWE Would Be Better Under Triple H's Control

3. Taking Raw Back To Two Hours

WWE.com In theory, Monday Night Raw being three hours should be great for wrestling fans. Unfortunately, the fact that it's so rigidly structured and the huge amount of filler means that it sometimes makes for an agonising evening of viewing. Asked by Steve Austin what he would change about the show if given the chance, Triple H said it would be to take Raw back to being two hours, acknowledging the difficulties of writing for such a long show. The fact that he agrees with something a huge number of fans frequently complain about is a sign that The Game is more in tune with viewers, and realises that better stories could be told if they weren't having to fill so much time up. It can be argued that better writers would make that extra hour all the more enjoyable, but if Triple H's first action as the new boss was to take Raw back down to two hours, then that would really be no bad thing.

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