10 Reasons WWE’s WrestleMania 31 Is Already Doomed

10. Fans Still Miss CM Punk

For over ten years, CM Punk has been a fan-favourite among wrestling fans. From his days as the king of independent wrestling, through to his ECW debut and the infamous €œPipe Bomb€, fans have always loved Punk and identified with him as €œone of us€. Punk has a short temper, he€™s outspoken and he€™ll do what he needs to in order to get his own. He€™s someone that the more cynical members of the WWE Universe look up to, but it€™s been nearly a year since he stepped foot in a WWE ring. CM Punk was dragged out of the ring by Kane at Royal Rumble 2014, and hasn€™t been seen on WWE TV since. Speculation was rife around just why CM Punk left, but the most prevailing theory is a combination of excessive burnout and dissatisfaction with his planned role for WrestleMania XXX. Whatever Punk€™s reason was, he€™s now gone on record as retired from wrestling and is doing his best to distance himself from the sport. With a much thinner roster than WWE would like at this point, the return of CM Punk would be a much needed boost for the ailing company, but that doesn€™t seem likely any time soon. While WWE has been doing okay without the Straight Edge Superstar, it always feels like there€™s something missing without him.

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