10 Retired Wrestlers Who Are Still In Amazing Shape

2. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle

Think of the pain Kurt Angle's body must be in.

Broken necks, endless bumps, pain pill addictions and more have ravaged the Olympian since he entered pro wrestling (the man was going through some agony before he launched his pro career too), and it can't be a simple task for Kurt to haul ass out of bed in the morning never mind hit the gym for a punishing workout.

Thank God for all those neck bridges he perfected on the mat over the years. Without them, he might not be able to walk let alone lift weights. The retired legend is 51, definitely has more miles on his body than the average person that age and yet doesn't let pain prevent him from working.

Angle's most recent Instagram pic shows him looking happy, healthy and ripped on the beach. Give that fella' another gold medal for whipping himself into better shape than he's been for years. Kurt looks like he's about to waltz into the ring with AJ Styles and contest the TNA Title in 2009.

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Kurt Angle
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.