10 Retired Wrestlers Who Are Still In Amazing Shape

6. Batista

Batista 2020

Big dishy Dave loves a cheeky little topless post on social media. Nobody can blame him there - Batista could pass for 2010 Dave in some of his pics, and that's a compliment to the hard work and graft he's put in to keep his muscular frame ticking over.

Particularly impressive are the man's pecs and shoulders. Those things are huge, haven't sagged despite the fact he's now 51 years old and are obvious points of focus for his workouts; middle-aged men tend to find that keeping solid pectorals is a massive challenge. Not Batista. The 'Animal' has pecs for days.

Batista must've switched up his workout regime to tone up rather than bulk after WrestleMania 35 too. Though he's not quite as big as he once was, he is extremely toned and deserves a lot of credit for keeping such a great look despite retiring from the ring for good last year.

The man knows what casting directors in Hollywood want from him.

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Kurt Angle
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