10 Retired Wrestlers Who Are Still In Amazing Shape

4. Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Here's another some will be shocked to see here.

First, the obvious. 'Stone Cold' loves a cold beer or six, so he obviously doesn't have the rippling abs the likes of AJ Lee or Vladimir Kozlov do. So what? Austin looks happy, has slid nicely into an ambassadorial role for WWE (he shows back up every now and then) and keeps busy with projects outside the wrestling biz.

Besides, those arms are where it's at. Whenever Steve does return to the WWE realm, it's easy to see that he doesn't skip bicep training - his triceps are also well looked after, giving his arms that well-rounded look most men crave. Austin either hammers the curls or hammers sets of press-ups.

He has big shoulders too, and hasn't aged as much as most would expect from someone who hasn't worked a match since 2003. It's been 17 years since 'Stone Cold' wrestled, but he keeps himself in Stunner shape. Fans live on in hope that he'll work one more match.

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Kurt Angle
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.