10 Ridiculous Things You Learn Binge-Watching WCW's Worst Year Ever

7. They Booked SIX Different Commissioners

Vince Russo Sting WCW Title

Good luck trying to keep track of who's making matches and calling the shots on Nitro and Thunder in 2000. The year started with J.J Dillon giving up his post as Commissioner. That led to Terry Funk's reveal as the new Commish, but he lost the gig to Kevin Nash at Souled Out just a few weeks later.

Jeff Jarrett then became temp authority figure before Ernest Miller assumed the role. Not done there, WCW installed newbie Mike Sanders (Natural Born Thrillers represent) as the new Commissioner, then named Ric Flair the new "WCW President" in October at the same time.

Keeping track at home?

Sanders and Flair clashed over several decisions (not that anyone "in charge" actually seemed to be "in charge" of the product anyway) before WCW settled on Ric as the organisation's final authority rep heading into the first few months of 2001. Creatively, it was a total and utter mess.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.