10 Ridiculous Things You Learn Binge-Watching WCW's Worst Year Ever

6. WCW Thought This Match Was A Good Idea

Vince Russo Sting WCW Title

Psst! Remember when 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan and Goldberg clashed on an episode of WCW Nitro in the year 2000? No?

Well, it happened, and it definitely sounds like the kind of match that should've happened in a different era. Duggan was well past-his-prime by the turn of the new millennium.

Meanwhile, poor Goldberg was struggling through an attempted heel turn that went nowhere (because fans hated it). This is all so odd to look back on now, but the same could be said for another gem elsewhere on match cards. On the 6 January Thunder, Bret Hart worked Terry Funk in a hardcore bout.

Yes, three years on from Funk's "retirement match" with the 'Hitman'.

Toss in the ongoing nWo revival that Hart was part of, sprinkle on Terry as the new Commissioner and you've got some seriously whack content that was a little too busy to care about. Go watch Goldberg vs. Duggan if you fancy feeling trippy.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.