10 Ridiculous Things You Learn Binge-Watching WCW's Worst Year Ever

2. Vince Russo Doesn’t Deserve All The Blame

Vince Russo Sting WCW Title

WCW going out of business was all Vince Russo's fault.

That's a sentence everyone checking this article out has read before, but it isn't accurate. The product was in the toilet before he joined in late-1999, and Vinnie Ru wasn't even around for the first three-four months of content in 2000. He'd been sent home, and Kevin Sullivan took on the role of head booker.

He's the one who deserves criticism for the madness that happened between January-April. Also, Russo's return alongside Bischoff did create some excitement for a soft reboot, but the lazy 'New Blood' vs. 'Millionaire's Club' idea (which was a retread of WCW vs. nWo) suffocated early buzz.

Russo is often blamed for everything that went wrong with WCW between 1999-2001, but he can only take responsibility for the things he was actually there for. Pointing fingers at a dude for ideas he didn't come up with is...very, very harsh.

WCW was struggling generally.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.