10 Ridiculous Things You Learn Binge-Watching WCW's Worst Year Ever

3. David Arquette Wasn’t The Worst World Champ

Vince Russo Sting WCW Title

Most critics revisiting 2000 WCW today point to David Arquette's World Title win as the worst moment of the entire year. That's simply not true. Sure, his 12-day reign with the belt was a pitiful attempt to claw back lost ratings from a dying company, but it did pop some interest.

Can anyone really say the same for champs like Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Sid Vicious or Jeff Jarrett that same year? What's more, was Arquette a worse champion than Vince Russo? Nah, not really. If anything, Dave's name identity outside the biz offered more to the product than Russo's reign ever could.

Yes, yes this article is really debating the merits of Arquette over Russo as World Champ.

Seriously though, this fan's retrospective interest went up when the actor snagged WCW's top prize. He was way more provocative a choice than Sid, for example. Vicious could be a fun watch on his day, but his two stints as champion in 2000 led to some of the dullest TV.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.