10 Ring Of Honor Matches WWE Fans Must Watch Before Kenta's Debut

8. vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Championship (Glory By Honor V Night 2)

This was Ring of Honor€™s debut in the Manhattan Center, which had hosted the first editions of WWF Monday Night Raw, so ROH was looking to make a huge impact in their debut. The main event was the anticipated singles match for the ROH World Championship between KENTA and Bryan Danielson, who KENTA had twice pinned cleanly in non-title matches. However, complicating matters was Danielson€™s physical condition. A month prior, in a 60-minute match with Colt Cabana in Chicago, about three minutes in Danielson separated his shoulder, and ended up wrestling the final 57 minutes in unbearable pain. Surgery was recommended, but Danielson chose to rehabilitate it on his own, but his movement in the arm wasn€™t 100%. Heck, it was probably less than 50%. How would this affect the quality of his match against KENTA? As it turned out, it only made the match better. The bandage on Danielson€™s shoulder made for a bullseye target for KENTA, and he spent the majority of the match kicking at the wounded limb with almost laser-guided focus. After a series of back-and-forth false finishes, Danielson managed to get KENTA in the middle of the ring with the Cattle Mutilation submission, and KENTA tapped, a rarity for him. The match was one of the best in ROH in 2006, a year chock full of fantastic matches, many of them coming during Danielson€™s year-long title reign.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.