10 ROH Stars Who Would Flourish In WWE

7. The Briscoe Brothers

dalton castle

If it is possible to complete a wrestling promotion, then The Briscoe Brothers have completed ROH. Jay wrestled on their very first show, and Mark probably would have too if he hadn’t been too young to do so legally. Since then they have become eight-time ROH Tag-Team champions, one-time Six-Man champs, and Jay has won the World Championship twice. There’s not much left for them to do at this point.

There’s also the fact that they are ridiculously entertaining. Sure, they’d have to learn how to pull it all back a bit in the PG world of WWE, but whether it’s Redneck Kung Fu or serious feuds with the likes of Jay Lethal, Dem Boys know how to deliver in the ring.

Having apparently had a try out at WWE in 2009 and being rejected because they weren’t deemed ‘aesthetically pleasing,’ it might feel like Mark and Jay’s chance at the big show has passed. However, things have changed since then and more than one wrestler who would have been rejected straight away ten years ago is now doing well in WWE. If there’s any justice, the Briscoes will get their chance to impress and the big pay day that comes along with it.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83