10 ROH Stars Who Would Flourish In WWE

6. War Machine

dalton castle

The current IWGP Heavyweight Tag Champions have been spoken about as potential WWE signings for a while now and if you have any doubts as to why you haven’t watched them work. Hanson and Raymond Rowe are built like bulls but move like deer with Hanson, in particular, doing things no man his size should do.

It’s not just the cartwheels and back elbows that make War Machine stand out, though. They are equally as capable of working like big men, and they will chuck you around the ring with ease. Even Rowe, as the smaller of the two, has incredible strength and you can’t help but leap from your seat when he plucks people up into the air.

Whether they are facing off against The Addiction and The Young Bucks in ROH or Tencozy out in Japan, War Machine delivers. They are one of the most seamless tag-teams on the planet right now, and everything from their look to the way they tag in and out of the ring screams intimidation. They would steamroll WWE’s tag-team division and look awesome while doing it.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83