10 ROH Stars Who Would Flourish In WWE

5. Marty Scurll

dalton castle

Since giving up the partying lifestyle and becoming a villain, Marty Scurll’s career has ditched the proverbial ladder and jumped into the elevator. Now an official Bullet Club member he’s one of British wrestling’s biggest stars and it is 100% deserved. Few wrestlers have put half the time and effort into establishing a character quite like 'The Villain'.

A fact that makes him perfect for WWE, because not only is Scurll a great wrestler, but he gets the other side of the business too. You only have to watch him make his way to the ring, umbrella in hand and his face covered with that terrifying plague mask to get what he is. However, you wouldn’t even have to see that to understand. Ten minutes of his in-ring work and you get it. He’s the sneaky bad guy who will do everything to win.

It's easy to point to people and claim they should be signed up to big contracts and be stars, but Scurll deserves it more than most. He’s worked his arse off in the last few years and has reaped the rewards. If WWE came calling and he decided to go, you’d be mad to bet against him doing the same thing there.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83