10 ROH Stars Who Would Flourish In WWE

4. Christopher Daniels

dalton castle

You can’t help but feel sorry for Christopher Daniels. He debuted in 1993 and, apart from a spell in developmental in the late nineties, he’s spent a lot of his career watching his peers get their chance ahead of him. He’s become the independents' Mr. Reliable, but even at the age of 47, he can still go.

It’s his age that probably rules out a big WWE run. Yet, there is still hope, because if there is a man who could go in and teach the guys and girls down in NXT a thing or two, it’s Christopher Daniels. Whether it would be behind the scenes or actually in the ring, Daniels has a wealth of knowledge that he could pass onto WWE’s younger recruits.

Daniels' career should not be judged by his lack of time in WWE. He has been a star in ROH, TNA, and countless other promotions around the world. He’s a conveyor belt of classic matches, and the 'King of Indies' nickname is well deserved. However, if for no other reason than to give him a nice big cheque, he deserves his chance at WWE before he calls it a day.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83