10 ROH Stars Who Would Flourish In WWE

3. Will Ospreay

dalton castle

Will Ospreay is 24 years old. It doesn’t quite seem like that fact can be true, but it is. At an age where most people are still figuring out their life, Ospreay has travelled the world putting on incredible matches and achieving more than most people could in an entire career. It’s not a case of whether he could do a job in WWE, but whether he wants to.

This is a genuine question: in recent weeks Ospreay has shown a desire to move out to New Zealand and help the ever growing scene out there and in Australia take that next step. With him having already played a part in the growth of the British scene, you can only imagine that he would be ideally placed to give them a hand. He’s also still a regular part of New Japan and any other promotion he fancies appearing for.

However, yet again we must return to the fact that Will is only 24. He has most of a career ahead of him if he chooses and he may well decide ten years down the line that WWE is the place for him. Whenever, or if ever, he comes to that decision, you can bet he’ll be just as fantastic on Raw or SmackDown as he has been everywhere else.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83