10 Ruthless Aggression Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

7. The Heart Throbs

Sylvester Terkay WWE

That's "Pocket Rocket" with Antonio and Romeo above.

Yep, "Pocket Rocket". What is it with pro wrestling and penis jokes? This was one of the most sophomoric ideas ever, but it 100% made Vince McMahon laugh behind the scenes during creative meetings. That should've been that, but no - it made TV.

The Heart Throbs (sans lil' Rocket) debuted in April 2005, but ended up being released come February 2006. Apparently, throwing every tag idea at the wall to see what might stick was in vogue during the Ruthless Aggression days. Antonio and Romeo joined The Dicks in departing before they ever really got going.

Pre-release, The Throbs (don't say that out loud in public) were dumped on Sunday Night Heat and forgotten about. So, if WWE forgot about them, then what chance do fans have?!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.