10 Secret Wrestling Retcons You DEFINITELY Don't Remember

8. Snitsky Is “Undefeated”

nWo New World Order WCW Original Logo

"Undefeated" is commonly one of wrestling's biggest 'wink wink nudge nudge' claims. In 2007, baby-kicking brute Gene Snitsky moved to Raw. He'd been a menace on ECW programming, but lost to RVD by disqualification shortly before leaving the brand. That didn't seem to matter once he landed on Mondays.

Commentary teams gushed with praise for Snitsky's "undefeated streak" against workers like Val Venis, Super Crazy and others in routine squash matches. Then, prep started for Gene's biggest war to date: A showdown with main man John Cena on the 20 August '07 edition of the flagship. Could Cena overcome this "unbeaten" monster?

He did, albeit again by DQ. Still, this popped the bubble of delusion that WWE had strangely asked their audience to go along with. Maybe they thought nobody watched ECW anyway, so fans wouldn't care that they'd retconned Snitsky's run on the third brand. Meh, they were probably right there.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.