10 Shocking Revelations That Rocked WWE Storylines

6. Vince McMahon Is The Higher Power

higher power vince undertaker

"It was me, Austin. It was me all along, Austin".

Those infamous words from Vince McMahon prolonged the never-ending feud between authority figure and rebellious wrestler, but they also didn't make much sense amidst The Undertaker's satanic attempts to destroy McMahon's family. Why let logic get in the way of a good story, eh?

Exactly who was the mysterious 'Higher Power' dominated television in the Summer of 1999. Like most of Vince Russo's major stories, it packed a punch without being steeped in any sense of sanity. Give the guy credit: he can write one hell of a swerve, logical or not. McMahon as the figurehead of The Corporate Ministry was just that.

Fans had been hoping for someone new, maybe even a defector from WCW, in the role. Looking back, the WWF were always going to drag out the McMahon/Austin rivalry for as long as they could, so perhaps Vince as the 'Higher Power' should be remembered as a shocking continuation more than a conclusion to anything.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.