10 Short-Lived WCW Runs You Totally Forgot About

7. Luna Vachon

Owen Hart WCW

Period in WCW: 6 April 1997 to 22 June 1997

Luna Vachon saw success in WWE prior to her run in WCW. She memorably worked alongside Shawn Michaels and Bam Bam Bigelow making WrestleMania appearances with both. However, it was her rivalry with Alundra Blayze, over the newly reintroduced Women’s Championship, that followed Luna to WCW.

In 1995, Blayze, now Madusa, infamously debuted on WCW by throwing her WWE belt into the trash. When Vachon arrived, she wasted little time going after her former rival. On multiple occasions, from her debut at Spring Stampede 1997, Luna cost Madusa the win over then-WCW Women’s Champion Akira Hokuto.

The two women had a series of matches. Luna showcased her dominance but repeatedly fell short of defeating WCW’s biggest female star. Their best-remembered encounter was at Slamboree 1997. Vachon showcased herself as a savage competitor and her athletic prowess was highlighted on commentary. After Luna missed a diving headbutt from the top rope, Madusa put her away with a German suplex. The match was short, but still holds up.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.