10 Short-Lived Wrestling Stables You Totally Don’t Remember

2. A.P.P.L.E


Wade Barrett's Nexus fallout The Corre almost made it onto this list. Almost, but not quite. That group, for all its failings, at least had a logical story to pin it down. Santino Marella's asinine suggestion that he, Daniel Bryan (!?), Evan Bourne and Mark Henry should form a long-term stable to combat them, did not.

Marella's goof troop was known as A.P.P.L.E, which stood for the 'Allied People Powered by Loathing Everything that you stand for'. Those who aren't catching on should know that it was a one-note throwaway joke about enveloping The Corre (the apple's core), and it was barely funny at all.

Nonetheless, A.P.P.L.E was born for the purpose of one match on the 11 April 2011 episode of Raw, and it was dead a few moments later when Heath Slater pinned Santino.

That was it, that was all that happened with the stable. They remain one of the most curious, random and forgotten relics of an era when WWE were throwing anything against the wall to see what might stick. Somehow, this match didn't make it into Bryan's 2K19 Showcase.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.