10 Sickening WWE Injury Surgeries You Need To See

9. Shawn Michaels

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3XFjb5wuT0#t=139 The video above best demonstrates what Shawn Michaels went through in the autumn of 2004. What makes this surgery really interesting, is the backstory around it. WWE were headed into Taboo Tuesday, the pay per view where fans would pick opponents and gimmicks. One of the match choices was who would wrestle World Champion Triple H. Shawn Michaels was on the ballot (and was considered a favourite), when he shockingly suffered a knee injury just six days before the event. The diagnosis was a badly torn meniscus, something which would be very hard to wrestle on. Remarkably, the Heartbreak Kid ended up winning the Taboo Tuesday vote, and then went on to wrestle Triple H for an astounding fourteen minutes. Bear in mind that Michaels could barely stand up, having to operate his weight mostly on one leg or the ring ropes. That's how good he is as a performer, he got the match over on sheer storytelling alone. The knee injury became part of the drama. A few days after the heroic performance and Michaels underwent surgery. Small incisions were made on the knee, allowing a camera to film inside the wrestler's leg. The surgeon then cleared it out and mended the problem, with HBK returning to the ring just a few months later.
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