10 Signings That Could Have Saved TNA
6. Dean Ambrose
Had Dean Ambrose been in TNA, it would have saved us from the hot dog cart, the balloon animals, and really just the entire terrible comedy act he has going for him. Sure we would have missed out on The Shield, but the trade-off may have just been worth it.
Let’s face it, the man is a hell of a talent, but he’s been pushed so lamely in WWE that he’s half the star he should be.
A big part of that problem—as Ambrose revealed on the Steve Austin Podcast—is that WWE heavily scripts him. Basically, he’s written as a lame character, and thus he plays one on TV. In TNA, that would have been less of an issue, as he'd have enjoyed the opportunity to be more spontaneous and edgy on the mic. That’s where the former Jon Moxley excels.
He did have a tryout match with TNA in late 2008, but was not signed to a deal. It’s a shame, as his rebellious character would have stood out on their roster, and by now he could have had nearly eight years of cutting some of the most entertaining promos in the business.
Ambrose is woefully miscast in WWE, but at least they didn’t make the mistake of letting him go entirely.