10 Signs You Watch Too Much WWE
2. You Take Criticism Of WWE As A Personal Affront

Someone being a WWE mega-fan is no guarantee that they're a mega-fan of all professional wrestling. They may, instead, love WWE and only WWE, going out of their way to avoid any matches or segments not produced by Vince McMahon's empire and taking grave offence to the suggestion that NJPW or GFW might, from time to time, put on the better show.
This is something that esteemed Wrestling Observer Newsletter critic Dave Meltzer found out earlier in the year, after a raft of angry fans took to Twitter to express outrage at his refusal to award the elusive five-star rating to any match that takes place outside the walls of the Tokyo Dome. It's just his opinion, at the end of the day, even if it is a travesty that Undertaker-HBK at WrestleMania 25 was only rated four and three-quarters.
A person who refuses to accept any criticism of their city or country because of a deep-seated conviction that it's number one is rightly regarded as a chest-thumping blow-hard who needs to step outside their bubble every now and then. So, if you find yourself getting angry when people throw shade on WWE, perhaps it's a sign you're a little too invested.