10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

5. A Proper General Manager

Smackdown fist

It feels like a given that the WWE brand split is going to come around because of Shane and Stephanie McMahon. At some point, their tentative relationship will explode, and one will move over to the blue brand. However, SmackDown could do a lot worse than take inspiration from NXT for their new general manager.

William Regal has been a breath of fresh air in the wrestling authority position. While nominally a face he is in reality neither one nor the other. He is just the guy in charge. He makes decisions based on what the right thing to do is and more often than not they make sense.

This is in direct contrast to everything Raw has been doing for years. However, with SmackDown they have a chance to do something different. If it must be a McMahon, then make it so, but rather than forcing them onto every storyline just allow them to be a character that does what is right. Shane has already shown a bit of this on Raw, and if given the chance to do it properly on SmackDown, the whole show could improve because of it.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83