10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

4. NXT Halfway House

Smackdown fist

When you cast your eyes down the NXT roster, it is impossible not to get excited. Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Nakamura, Bayley, Asuka, The Revival, and American Alpha...and that's just the beginning. It is overflowing with talent. However, you have to ask: where do they all go?

There just isn't room on Raw for that many great wrestlers, which is where SmackDown comes in. We recently saw The Vaudevillains make their debut on the B show before appearing on Raw, and it worked for them. They were able to get used to being on a bigger platform, without being thrown into the deep end. SmackDown can do this for even more NXT talents.

Because no matter what changes WWE make, SmackDown will always be the smaller show. Even when Heyman was booking it, it was second to Raw. Letting some of the less confident NXT talent make their name here first could make all the difference. If some of them end up stealing the show, well that's just an added bonus.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83