10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

3. Tag Team Wrestling

Smackdown fist

SmackDown's most successful period was built around the SmackDown Six. With Paul Heyman booking things, it featured some of the best tag team wrestling of all time. A newly branded and live SmackDown could recapture those glory days.

Right now, WWE is on the brink of a tag team revival. New Day are one of the most entertaining groups on the roster, and the introduction of The Vaudevillains, Enzo and Cass, and The Club gives them a whole host of exciting new feuds. Throw in The Shining Stars, The Usos, and a growing list of teams down in NXT and it's hard not to get a bit giddy.

If the Tag Titles were handed to SmackDown and made exclusive, then they could make tag team wrestling central to the show. It would no longer have to play second fiddle to whatever Roman Reigns is doing. Putting it front and centre would not only raise the credibility of those titles, but the TV show they are a part of as well.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83