10 Strangest Wrestling Gimmick Matches

7. Buck Naked Match

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le0ghaCJmWg Attempting to capitalize on the popularity of ECW in the late 1990s, Rob Black established rival promotion XPW and attempted to go to the extreme even more often than ECW did. One of those attempts included employing porn stars as valets, promising fans that they would see their women in a completely X-rated fashion. One of those porn stars was Rob Black's own wife, Lizzy Borden. In 2002, Borden faced off against fellow adult film starlet Veronica Caine in a so-called Buck Naked match. Similar to a bra and panties match (all the rage in the early 2000s), this bout could only be won when one of the women stripped the other completely naked. Listen, I'm a fan of attractive women fighting in skimpy clothing but come on, let's be practical here. You cannot promote a girl getting naked during a wrestling show. If you want to see women naked, go to a damn strip club. The joke was on the horny Los Angeles fans, however, as the house lights were turned completely off just before any full-frontal nudity was glimpsed, completely trolling the audience and robbing them of the one aspect of the match that they cared about. Thankfully, Rob Black and his Buck Naked matches have since gone out of business.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.