10 Stunning Incidents Which Led To Wrestlers Being Fined

8. The Commandments Of Bill Watts

To say Bill Watts caused World Championship Wrestling to sit up and take notice would be like saying the grass is green. Coming on board to a company which was leaking money at an alarming rate, Watts was tasked with tightening the ship, so to speak, and trying to minimise just how much dough was being lost. The man's big idea to turn the fortunes of WCW around in the early-90's included a list of commandments, rules which are generally regarded to have been extremely (and unnecessarily) strict. Gone were the blue safety mats from around ringside, banished were the wives and children of wrestlers from the backstage area, and one thing which really ticked a lot of performers off, the banning of heels and babyfaces from socialising in the public domain. As if that wasn't enough, Bill Watts insisted that all wrestlers should be at the building before a show no less than one hour before it started, and no-one was allowed to leave until it was over with. A fining system was put in place, one which see repeat offenders punished as much as $5,000. Obviously, this didn't go down well, and was broken a fair few times, along with another rule, which had fines imposed for low blows on TV. As if WCW wasn't fun enough!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.