10 Stunning Wrestling Autobiography Admissions

8. The Million Dollar Man Was Addicted To Women

Working one of the best gimmicks of the 1980's and early-90's, Ted DiBiase must have loved it when top brass told him he'd be the 'Million Dollar man', only staying at the finest hotels, eating the best food, flying first class, and being chaperoned from city to city in a private limousine. Playing the character which Vince McMahon had once invented for himself, DiBiase lived the life of luxury, all at the promotion's expense. With that in mind, it's not difficult to see why such fame, fortune and attention went to the man's head, and quickly. With a family at home, DiBiase admits in his autobiography that he was borderline addicted to women, and couldn't resist flaunting his power and wealth for personal gain. It's easy to point fingers at the guy, but there are millions who would have loved to have been in his position. Nearly losing his marriage sobered DiBiase up a little, grounding him back in reality.
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