10 Stunning Wrestling Autobiography Admissions

7. Y2J Was Y2Hated

Making the switch over to the then-WWF from WCW, Chris Jericho must have felt on top of the world, especially when management told him he'd be making his debut by interrupting The Rock. During the early weeks of his career with the federation, Jericho made some on-air remarks, directed at legends such as The Undertaker, which didn't go down well backstage. As if that wasn't enough to put him in the dog house, Y2J also tells in his second book, 'Undisputed' how he rapidly developed a reputation amongst his fellow wrestlers for being difficult to work with. Recalling an occasion where Triple H laid it all out for him, telling him that he felt the recent arrival was full of himself, Jericho writes about realising he had to change his ways if he was ever to survive in the WWF. Parallels can be made between Jericho and the way other eventual top stars, such as CM Punk, were perceived upon first entering WWE. Chris Jericho is one of the biggest names in wrestling today, but back in 1999, his name was mud, and that's a fascinating thought.
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Bret Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.